Las Iglesias de Cristo: Developing a Heart for the Things of God

Earlier this week I spent four special days with a church that strongly desires to develop a heart for God. The church is relatively small with an average Sunday attendance of perhaps 25. The evening Bible studies were well attended, with about 2/3 or 3/4 of the congregation present.
In U.S. churches, our Hispanic brothers and sisters struggle with several realities not commonly experienced in Anglo churches. Periods of growth and encouragement can rapidly reverse due to a variety of personal needs and challenges within the church, pressures which often force a return to one’s country of origin. Often families are separated (at least temporarily), and limited employment opportunites take a toll as well. Unless the Hispanic church is associated with an Anglo church, the challenge of maintaining full-time ministry is especially challenging to small, struggling congregations. As is often the case in smaller congregations, leadership development is also a challenge. The church needs more leaders and teachers, but lacks resources to effectively meet these needs. Lack of educational materials and opportunities may make the path to developing strong leaders and teachers much longer.
These are a few of the needs and challenges we are trying to address in providing seminars for leadership and teacher development. I encourage you to join me in prayer for our Hispanic brothers and sisters across the U.S. as they struggle to develop strong congregations and to reach out to their families, friends, neighbors, and coworkers. On their behalf, I thank you for joining us in prayer.