It’s Sunday Again: “To Whom Am I a Neighbor?”

Another Sunday, the opportunity to worship with another part of the wonderful, great, extended family of God. Today Jan and I are representing Baxter Institute at the Missions Fair at the Park Plaza church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, after which I will preach in the Spanish-speaking assembly. My sermon text is the parable of the Good …

Training Seminar: Developing Leaders and Teachers

The weekend seminar in Waukegan is underway despite a slight bump due to the weather. We will make up the session that was missed last night with an extra session today. Providing educational opportunities for Christians is essential for the development of church members, for the development of the local church, and for the development …

Baxter Institute: Going Strong as We Begin a 49th Year of Ministry Training

Today I am traveling to Dallas on behalf of Baxter Institute, attending a meeting of the Presidential Search Committee. The work of the committee will help determine the future of Baxter, but today I am reflecting upon the past. What we know today as Baxter became a reality in Mexico in 1963 as Brother Harris …

It’s Sunday Again: A Day with our “Near Family”

[Some have commented on my ‘absence’ during the last couple of weeks. At times the mind is overwhelmed with thoughts and activities and a break is needed.–by] In our physical families, we have close relatives and distant relatives. So also spiritually. For Jan and me, our ministry and missions efforts mean that we spend a …