Some Thoughts About Giving

[Note: The following is not original with me. This basic outline provides a framework or structure for developing expanded thoughts (article, sermon, class). Although the biblical texts are all from 2 Corinthians 8-9, there are numerous other biblical passages that could be added.] This is “Thanksgiving” month in the U.S. Christians talk too little about …

Crystal Cathedral Bankruptcy: Will anyone learn anything?

The news earlier this week that the Crystal Cathedral has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy again raises the question about what it means to be a church, and how churches ought to live out their ministries. The Crystal Cathedral, established over 50 years ago by Robert Schuller, is $43 million dollars in debt with over …

Ministers and Taxes–Parsonage Allowance

Earlier this month, another legal challenge was filed which challenges the government’s provision of a “parsonage allowance” for ministers. As ministers (and churches) make plans for the future–both in church budgets and minister’s housing arrangements, this challenge should be watched. Opening briefs were filed with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco in …