It’s Sunday Again: Anticipation

I have been thinking about and anticipating today since last Wednesday evening’s Bible class. The conversation during the class and afterward, and the sweet fellowship we enjoyed as we lingered together to laugh and love, whetted my appetite for sharing time with the spiritual family.
Today is the day we meet. Together we will come before God’s throne again, we will listen and love and share. We will eat together because eating together is a sign of fellowship–both of our vertical fellowship with Christ and God as he eats the spiritual feast with us as he promised, and also of our horizontal fellowship as we accept one another in our weaknesses, inadequacies, and failures. We will remember Jesus’ sacrifice–not morbidly but robustly–as we seek power for the week ahead.
Tonight we will sing our hearts out. God will listen, and we will be changed.
Because all of this will be a part of this day, I have been looking forward to another Lord’s Day, Sunday, first day of the week. My prayer is that my heart is ready to receive what God will do. Getting ready is a part of worship–heart preparation, hearts open, pliable, anticipating.