
The newscasters say that a certain element of our society is upset.  They are upset because the President-elect has chosen a certain Christian religious leader to pray at his inauguration.  They are upset because this religious leader has taken moral positions contrary to their understandings and lifestyle. I am tempted to become upset because they …

Church “Wellness”

In psychiatry, researchers study not just the manifestations and causes of mental dysfunction or illness, but also ‘wellness,’ that which helps the patient become ‘more well.’  In education and business, for students and for companies respectively, increasingly the emphasis is to explore and develop strengths rather than focusing on weaknesses. In analyzing developing countries, debt …

Accurate News Headlines

Here’s my nomination for headline accuracy–I presume unintentional.  From today’s San Diego Union Tribune, online of June 17, 2008 (  “County Gay Marriages Come Off Without a Hitch”. “Without a hitch.”  Did they get hitched or not?  Marriage ceremonies, hoop-la, news coverage, media headlines.   Only one question:  did they get hitched?

Evangelism: Getting People to Do What They Are Not Doing?

I am evaluating and designing an evangelistic outreach program for a local congregation. Who will be the target audience? What will motivate those the church seeks to reach? What should the church do to maximize results? What activities will be most effective? Another set of questions arises when one considers that almost all U.S. churches …