
bits from bob....

Esperanza Eterna ["Eternal Hope"]

by Bob Young
July 2010 [permission is given to reprint with credit noted]

I am writing about missions. The things I write apply to ministry, but I primarily have missions in mind as I write.

We live in a world that needs hope because it does not know the source of hope. The vast majority of our world are as sheep without a shepherd--hopeless, homeless, helpless, hapless. The hope the world clings to is fleeting. Nothing is more vital (life-giving) than bringing eternal hope to a hopeless world. The church exists as evidence of and participant in the eternal purpose of God. God seeks to save and keep saved. The church does not exist only to save--the church is a place where saved folks keep saved. We must know who we are (identity), why we are here (purpose), and what we are to do (calling).

With God's dual purpose for the church in mind, Jan and I find our calling and involvement in God's purpose in the phrase, "Esperanza Eterna." We believe that God wishes to establish a rescuing, saving relationship with every person on earth. We believe that God intends all his people to know the reality of his peace-giving presence through the Holy Spirit, and to experience the deep koinonia (fellowship--but fellowship is easily misunderstood and often superficial) of people gathered and united in his purpose. We believe God wishes every church, and every Christian, to see opportunities to join God in his mission. These understandings of God's purpose define our purpose. We want to bring hope to our world--we seek others who will share in the challenge of helping our world know the hope that is found only in Christ Jesus.

Sometimes we are asked, "What are you doing?" While one of my favorite acronyms for hope is "Helping Others Prepare for Eternity," let me suggest four other concepts that answer the question.

We invite you to join us in God's purpose of sharing Eternal Hope. Every person who participates with us and requests it receives regular reports and accounting. Here are some things you can do.

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Last updated July 27, 2010.