Mission-Driven Church #1: Values that Guide Us
Mission-Driven Church #2: People who Support Us
Mission-Driven Church #3: A Faith that Nurtures Us
Mission-Driven Church #4: Service that Enriches Us

Mission-Driven Church #5: Leaders Who Shepherd Us

Mission Driven Church #6: A God Who Empowers Us
Mission Driven Church #7: A Message That Saves Us

I. Shepherds who lead, leaders who shepherd [Ezekiel 34:1-31]

  • What were these shepherds doing? 2-3
  • What are the five different groups of sheep mentioned? 4
  • What are their unique needs, what care is necessary? 4
  • What happened to the sheep as a result of the inadequate shepherding? 5-8
  • What did God promise these shepherds as punishment for their lack of shepherding? 9-10
  • What does God want for his people? 11-16
  • What groups are found in the flock after God finishes his work? 16-22
  • Who will genuinely shepherd? 23-24
  • What happens to flocks shepherded by close relationships with the entire flock? 25-31

    II. Grassroots leadership, leadership by members.

  • Jesus trained 12, taught them how to minister, trained them, mentored them, and they turned the world upside down.
  • The 70 were trained, knew where to go, what to say, were trained in dealing with rejection, had a clear vision, returned filled with joy and shared successes, were praised by Jesus, knew their names written in heaven.
  • Paul told Timothy to share the message with those who could share the message.

    III. Team ministry.

  • Teams come about because people are bonded by a common vision and work together toward a common goal.
  • Gen 11:6, of one mind, nothing impossible.
  • Team ministry depends on

    God puts people together in ministry and service. Servants feel chosen by God to serve on the team.

  • Who: God chose you
  • What: God gave you special gifts
  • Why: to prepare you for serving
  • When: each part does its work
  • Results: the body grows and is filled with love
  • Message: Say and do what people need to help them grow stronger


    Think about how you can individually/personally get the people on your list to services.

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    Last updated March 20, 2005.