Expository Preaching #2

Using the Text Effectively for Expository Preaching or Teaching
developed by Robert J. Young

Instructions: Study and become familiar with the following concepts.

I. Four uses of the Word in Teaching:

II. What exposition is NOT:

III. Description
Expository teaching addresses a "real-life" situation in terms of a specific block of Scripture so that:

IV. Advantages of Expository Teaching

V. Prerequisites For Effective Exposition

VI. Basic Questions in Effective Exposition

A. What is the context?
		1. Background issues
		2. Foreground development
		3. Immediate setting
			a. How does this text fit into the author's design?
				1) How does it tie into preceding paragraphs?
				2) How does it feed into ensuing paragraphs?
			b. What key words link this text to other sections of the book?

	B. Why this passage? Why was it included?
		1. Is it central to author's primary message? Or secondary?
		2. What does it tell us about his underlying purpose in writing?
		3. In the case of narrative or material from the Gospels:
			a. Why did the author choose to relate this story?
			b. Why did he choose to put it at this place?
			c. How does it carry forward his overall design?

	C. What is the basic argumentation of the passage?
		1. What are the principal "connecting" phrases?
		2. What are the principal "contrasting" phrases?
		3. In one simple sentence, what is the thrust of the passage?

	D. What are contemporary equivalents to the background issues or
underlying questions addressed in this passage? E. What issues does this passage raise for contemporary Christians? 1. Doctrinal issues. 2. Attitudinal issues. 3. Ethical issues. 4. Relational issues. F. What do I expect my student to do THIS WEEK as a result of this lesson?

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Last updated February 23, 2001.