Psalm 5: A Morning Prayer

Psalm 5 is known as a morning prayer, perhaps associated with the morning sacrifice in Israel, but also a call for God’s help in the face of false rumors and accusations, implications and innuendos.

A part of the Psalm says, “In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.” (5:3)
Consider the custom of the psalmist. In the mornings, God hears his voice. Morning prayer is a normal part of his routine. Morning prayer is not “hit and miss.” He confidently affirms that his voice is heard in the morning.
Consider the content of the morning prayers. The psalmist includes God in his plans for the day. The morning prayers include requests of various kinds–for protection, goodness, humility, and truth. The psalmist requests guidance, mercy, and anticipates daily worship. The God who blesses and shields the righteous will provide refuge, protection, and joy.
Consider the confidence of the psalmist. He waits in expectation. Including God in all of our life changes everything. The requests we share we confidently expect to see fulfilled. The presence we request we expectantly anticipate.

Something to meditate on….
Does God hear my voice every morning?
Do I each day include God in my day?
Do I wait in expectation, knowing the promise of God’s presence and power?