It’s Sunday Again: God is God, God is good [Psalm 100]

I return to Psalm 100 again and again to be reminded of two great truths about God: God is God, God is good. I enjoy other aspects of this short psalm as well, but these two truths are foundational. The short and simplified (simplistic?) version of what Sundays are about for the Christian is to celebrate that God is God and that God is good. This is the reason for the assembly of the community of faith. This is the “why” of our songs, prayers, communion, sharing, and study.

A recent sermon struggled with the second affirmation. Is God really good, or is He at times not good? The subject of the sermon was the imprecatory psalms. The sermon sent me back to Scripture and Bible study resources to resolve my dilemma. A summary of my thinking is the subject of a recent web posting: Imprecatory Psalms: Psalms of Divine Redress?

My conclusion? The words of the Psalmist in Psalm 100 are true: God is God, God is good. And, as we sometimes add, “all the time.” God’s desire and ultimate purpose is to bless creation. Today as the church assembles around the world, may we remember two great truths and celebrate them joyously: God is God, God is good!