Leadership is Ultimately about Legacy

Leadership is usually associated with the present; but leadership is often most visible in the future, after the fact. Leadership is seen in the legacy one leaves. Am I a leader? Am I a good leader? Am I an excellent leader?
Leadership creates a legacy that inspires others onward. Who am I leading? Who will be influenced by my legacy? Is it not those who will dream bigger, seek more knowledge, desire to do more, and ultimately become more than they would have been without my influence?
Leadership is not to be measured by how many one leads, although that is the way the world tends to think. The world thinks that best leaders are those who influence the most people in the here and now. There is another viewpoint. The best leaders in history may have influenced only a few, but the legacy those leaders left has been passed down from generation to generation so that their influence continues and broadens.
Leadership is ultimately a matter of legacy. Let us so live and lead as to leave a legacy!