Seeing God at Work

Jan and I arrived last Friday to finalize our interim ministry commitment. We were met with excitement and anticipation—the news of the baptism of a university student on Wednesday night and the arrival of the new minister and his wife during the week. In the midst of several ministry opportunities that arose spontaneously during the week, the church was abuzz with excitement.

The faith and expectation of the elders was apparent as we met and prayed on Saturday morning. I preached on Sunday, and we had the privilege of witnessing another soul added to the church as a young lady received forgiveness of sins and began her walk with the Lord in the waters of baptism. The service concluded with the church and the new minister prayerfully committing themselves to one another. Given that it was the coldest Sunday of the winter thus far, attendance was superb (it was above recent averages).

Sunday evening we received news of the baptism of the grandson of a former deacon, and marveled again at the continuing power of the gospel in our world. Sunday evening, four brothers renewed their commitment to God and his work. At times, we are tempted to lose hope and give up. Then God reminds us that we do not live in a totally unreceptive world—our world is filled with people who are interested in God’s work and will. To Him be the glory!