Evangelism: by God’s Power

We have made evangelism hard, not natural. Sharing good news should be one of the easiest, most natural things in the world. We have made it artificial and difficult. We have developed programs that seek “converts” and have depended more on human wisdom and power than on God’s wisdom and power. While we accept Bible passages that speak of God’s power (his Word, grace, the gospel, preaching), we have failed to see God’s power in the obvious places.

Today’s sermon illustrates the power of God in unlikely and unseen places: the power of the ordinary, the power of relationships, the power of encouragement, the power of caring, the power of a vision, the power of asking, and the power of our words. In these dynamics of our life, the power of the gospel is available to us. God sends us forth according to his plan and purpose in the ordinary days of our lives, through the relationships and people in our lives, with opportunities to encourage and care, with boldness to ask.

Perhaps we are less than effective because we “do” rather than “ask”. Jesus promised, “Ask and ye shall receive.” If evangelism is by God’s power, it should be a constant subject of our prayers!