It’s Sunday Again: What Happens When I Give?

Understanding why people give is not always easy. Millions of dollars have been donated to help relieve the hurt and suffering in Haiti. Compassion sometimes motivates giving–especially if the victims seem powerless and could not have averted the problems. Compassion doesn’t always work as a motivator if there is a perception that the receiver could have done something to avoid the problem.

Paul included a lengthy section in his second letter to the Corinthians (2 chapters, 2 Corinthians 8-9) to encourage them to participate in the collection for the needy in Jerusalem. He motivates by reminding them about what the Macedonians had already promised to do. He challenges them to remember Christ’s example of giving. He sets forth principles of the harvest (for example, reaping is proportional to sowing). He reminds them that God loves “hilarious” givers.

The climax of the section stretches our understandings of generosity. Paul mentions at least five things that happen when I give.
1. Thanksgiving. Obviously others will or should be thankful. But thanksgiving also comes into my life when I give. The ability to meet needs results in thanksgiving. Are you thankful that you can give?
2. Giving improves my worship. Being able to supply what others need strengthens my relationship with and imitation of God. Giving indicates my gratitude, respect, and attitude toward God. My giving also helps others see and worship God.
3. Giving increases prayer. We cannot give generously and fail to pray about those people or causes we sacrificially support. Do you give enough to pray about what you give to?
4. Giving gives our confession integrity. Too often Christians say one thing and do another. Giving proves us. Others see our integrity.
5. Giving increases love. Hearts are connected by affection. We love because God loves us, and the surpassing grace of God flows through us to provide grace to others. You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.

Giving makes us like God. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!