Syllabus: Reformation/Restoration Church History

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Ohio Valley College Bible Program
Historical/Doctrinal Studies
Class Policies and Syllabus

Course: Church History 2--Reformation and Restoration
Course #: REL342
Credit hours: 3 hours
Instructor: Robert J. Young
Semester: Spring, 1998
Prerequisites: None

Required Textbooks
Roland Bainton. History of the Sixteenth Century Reformation.
C. Leonard Allen and Richard T. Hughes. Discovering Our Roots.
Winthrop Hudson and John Corrigan. Religion in America, 5th ed.

Course Description
This course is designed to acquaint students with the major personalities, events, and dynamics of church history in the Reformation and Restoration. Students will become familiar with the major Reformation streams. The student will be encouraged to ask how an awareness of history influences the present and the future.

Student Expectations
[Student expectations are set forth in the OVC catalog. These paragraphs simply reflect and clarify the matters addressed therein as they pertain to this class.]
Attendance Policy
School attendance policy will be followed. Students must attend class regularly. Excused absences are available only through contact with the instructor the day class is missed or in advance. The student is responsible for notifying the instructor when absent. The student is responsible for obtaining and completing assignments. Students with perfect attendance or one absence or less will receive up to 10 points on one examination.
Classroom Conduct
Students are expected to arrive at class on time. (See catalog.) If a student arrives at class late, he or she is expected to enter class without disruption and wait until after class to explain the reason for the tardiness.
Late Assignments
Homework must be turned in on time or early. Late homework will be accepted only during the next class period following the date the homework was due with one letter grade reduction (10%). Daily in-class work and quizzes cannot be made up. No make-up examinations are available.
Withdrawal Procedure
Class withdrawal procedures set forth in the catalog will be followed. The student must initiate an official process. Non-attendance does not constitute official withdraw. The student who neither attends nor drops the class will receive an "F" grade.

Goals and Objectives

Criteria for Evaluation
The successful student will master each of the course objectives to some degree--no items will be completely omitted. The successful student will cooperate with the professor in a mutually stimulating and exciting learning experience. Evaluation will be based upon mastery of these goals and objectives as reflected in class participation, quizzes, homework and other various assignments, and examinations.
Class Requirements

	15	Class participation
	30	Two Tests (2 x 15)
	15	Reflection paper
	20 	Final Examination
	20	Major Research Paper
	100	Total points possible

Grading Scale [% of possible points]
	A	90-100%
	B	80-89% 
	C	70-79%
	D	60-69%
	F	<60%

Please Note: This syllabus is an agreement between the student and the instructor of REL342. The professor reserves the right to amend any or all of this syllabus as he deems necessary during the course of the semester, and will promptly notify all students involved of the changes.

Research Projects
Each student will be assigned a research projects. Papers will be 15 pages, typed, double-spaced. Research projects are due on the date assigned.

	Reformation Backgrounds
	Changing Views of the Church
	The Anabaptists and Spiritualists
	Anglican experience in England
	Catholic Counter-reformation

	The Lively Experiment
	Bringing European Religion to the New World
	Religion in New England
	The Great Awakening
	Revivalism on the Frontier
	The Role of the Campbells
Twentieth Century American Religion
	The Influence of German Scholasticism	


Compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

If you have a diagnosed disability and need special accommodations, please notify the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs before or immediately after your first scheduled class meeting. After your disability has been verified, your instructor will work with you and the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs to insure that you have a fair opportunity to perform in the course.

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