New Testament Theology

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Research Grading Guide
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General Expectations which apply to all classes unless the specific syllabus indicates otherwise.
Understanding Syllabus Assignments

Ohio Valley College Bible Program
Textual/Doctrinal Studies
Class Policies and Syllabus

Course: BIB345, New Testament Doctrine (Theology/Thought/Teachings)
Credit hours: 3 hours
Instructor: Robert J. Young
Semester: Spring, 2001
Prerequisites: Admission to the Bible Program or permission

Required Textbooks Recommended Textbooks

Course Description

This course has been variously titled in recent years. That it should be titled "New Testament Doctrine" as in the current OVC catalog reflects the desire to address doctrinal issues. As such, New Testament Doctrine is a companion course to Old Testament Doctrine. The courses could as well, however, be accurately titled "theology" for these courses should address theology from both a systematic and a biblical theological stance. Therefore, this course will introduce the student to theological studies by using the Bible as the primary source, while also introducing a study of the majors themes developed in the New Testament, including but not necessarily limited to God, mankind, the nature of revelation, sin, salvation, Christology, pneumatology, prophecy, God's eternal purpose, worship, ecclesiology, discipleship, ethics, and morality.

Student Expectations
[Student expectations are set forth in the catalog. These paragraphs clarify matters that pertain to this class. Students are encouraged to consult the expectations available on-line at (]
Attendance Policy
The school attendance policy will be followed. Studies show that the probability of success in academic endeavors is directly proportional to the regularity of class attendance. Therefore, evaluation criteria are weighted in favor of regular class attendance and unexcused absences may lower the student's final grade up to a grade point (see below under "criteria for evaluation"). Students are expected to attend class regularly.
Students whose unexcused absences exceed one week of class will be dropped. Students dropped are required to meet with the professor and submit their written plan for maintaining attendance and progress in the class before reinstatement. Reinstatement does not "start the clock," and further absences will again result in the student being dropped from the class.
The student should be aware that much learning takes place during class. Further, daily participation and quiz grades cannot be recorded for absent students. Students with excessive absences may not perform successfully on exams. Students with absences at or exceeding the normal "drop" level may be penalized a grade point in lieu of the drop. This situation will occur if the limit is exceeded very late in the semester.
It is the responsibility of the student to inform the instructor in writing or by phone in advance or no later than 24 hours after an absence which should be excused. The student is responsible for obtaining all assignments and completing any work missed.
Classroom Conduct
Students must arrive at class on time (see catalog). Daily quizzes are usually administered at the beginning of class. A student who must arrive at class late is expected to enter class without being disruptive and wait until after class to explain the reason for his or her tardiness. Three tardies count as one absence for purposes of administering the attendance policy.
Late Assignments

  • Homework must be turned in on time or early. If you cannot turn work in on time, you must ask for permission to turn the work in late. In many cases, late homework cannot be accepted since the answers are given in class. Late homework that is accepted will be accepted only during the next class period following the date the homework was due with one letter grade reduction (10%). The grade reduction will be waived for excused absences. Daily in-class work and quizzes cannot be made up.
    Late homework submitted more than one week late will be accepted with an "F" grade. Students are encouraged to calculate the value of an "F" as compared with a zero.
  • Major assignments must be produced and submitted on the timetable set forth in class. Students who do not follow the timetable for identifying topics, researching sources, outlining, and otherwise producing an acceptable paper cheat both themselves and other students.
  • Major assignments that are to be presented in class must be presented on the day scheduled. Students who see that they will be unable to submit or present major assignments as scheduled must, no later than one week before the due date, ask for permission to submit or present the work late.
    Students who do not produce and submit timely work will fail the class.
    Make-up Examination Policy
    Make-up exams are available only in extreme emergencies. Arrangements for make-up exams must be made with the professor prior to the exam. Students who score less than 70% on a major exam (other than the final) may petition to retake the exam; the exam must be retaken within one week after the graded exam is returned to the student. It is the student's responsibility to ask in a timely manner to retake the exam. The highest grade on any retaken exam will be C (75%).
    Group Work and Copying (when applicable)
    While students may work together in a group to complete a homework assignment, learning is often an individual process, and all students must participate in the process if learning is to occur. Do not allow a fellow student to participate in group work if she or he does not materially contribute to the learning process. Do not copy your homework from anyone else, do not allow anyone else to copy your homework. Homework exercises are generally a small percentage of the grade in a class. Satisfactory learning as demonstrated on pop quizzes and major tests is much more important. Do not cheat yourself or others. Learn the material.
    Withdrawal Procedure
    Class withdrawal procedures as set forth in the catalog must be followed. The student must initiate an official process. Non-attendance does not constitute official withdraw. The student who neither attends nor drops the class will ultimately receive an "F" grade.

    Goals and Objectives

    Class Requirements
    In addition to the items listed for evaluation, two reflection papers are required in the class. These papers themselves will receive no grade. They are however graded, and rewrites may be requested. They must be turned in to complete the requirements for the course. Failure to submit either of them will result in the automatic loss of a letter grade. Each paper should be two full, typed single-spaced pages or four double-spaced pages. Further information on formatting and writing papers is on the explanation page.

  • Diagnostic Reflection
    In the first paper, the student will state his or her own understanding of the nature, tasks, and methods of thinking biblically (theologically). The paper should not include a listing or summary of the doctrines comprising one's Christian faith. Nor is this a research paper. You are to draw upon your own understanding at this point. Nevertheless, it should indiccate how one attempts to udnerstand one's own faith.
    This paper is diagnostic because it represents a self-assessment of where one finds oneself in reference to the way one thinks about the Christian faith. This includes reflection upon where one has been and where one is rpesently. As a diagnosis, then, the reflective statement should identity the standards used in one's Christian thinking, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of one's orientation.
  • Prognostic Reflection
    In the second paper, the student will focus upon the same subject, his or her own understanding of how he or she reflects upon the Christian faith. In this reflective effort, however, the student should assess, upon the basis of what has been learned in this course, the changes of orientation and possible future directions and developments in perspective that might arise from what has been learned. If no changes have occurred, the student should explain way.

    Criteria for Evaluation
    The successful student will not master some of the above objectives while ignoring others, but will obtain a degree of mastery in each objective. The successful student will cooperate with the professor in a mutually stimulating and exciting learning experience. Evaluation will be based upon mastery of these goals and objectives as reflected in class participation, quizzes, homework and other various assignments, and examinations. In this class, attendance, homework, assignments, quizzes, class participation, the short papers assigned, and similar items are used to either strengthen or diminish the student's grade.


    Grading Scale

    Please Note: This syllabus is an agreement between the student and the instructor of BIB345. The professor reserves the right to amend any or all of this syllabus as he deems necessary during the course of the semester, and will promptly notify all students involved of the changes.


    Compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

    If you have a diagnosed disability and need special accommodations, please notify the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs before or immediately after your first scheduled class meeting. After your disability has been verified, your instructor will work with you and the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs to insure that you have a fair opportunity to perform in the course.

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